Tuesday 31 January 2017

2017/2018 Chemistry JAMB Syllabus and Recommended Textbooks

Chemistry JAMB Syllabus 2017 and Recommended Textbooks 
Chemistry JAMB Syllabus

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The aim of this 2017/2018 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Chemistry is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

(i) understand the basic principles and concepts in chemistry;
(ii) interpret scientific data relating to chemistry;
(iii) deduce the relationships between chemistry and other sciences;
(iv) apply the knowledge of chemistry to industry and everyday life.


1. Separation of mixtures and purification of chemical substances

(a) Pure and impure substances
(b) Boiling and melting points.
(c) Elements, compounds and mixtures
(d) Chemical and physical changes.
(e) Separation processes:
evaporation, simple and fractional distillation, sublimation, filtration, crystallization, paper and column chromatography, simple and fractional crystallization, magnetization, decantation.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) distinguish between pure and impure substances;
(ii) use boiling and melting points as criteria for purity of chemical substances;
(iii) distinguish between elements, compounds and mixture;
(iv) differentiate between chemical and physical changes;
(v) identify the properties of the components of a mixture;
(vi) specify the principle involved in each separation method.
(vii) apply the basic principle of separation processes in everyday life.

2. Chemical combination

Stoichiometry, laws of definite and multiple proportions, law of conservation of matter, Gay Lussac's law of combining volumes, Avogadro's law; chemical symbols, formulae, equations and their uses, relative atomic mass
based on 12C=12, the mole concept and Avogadro's number.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) perform simple calculations involving formulae, equations/chemical composition and the mole concept;
(ii) deduce the chemical laws from given expressions/statements/data;
(iii) interpret graphical representations related
to these laws;
(iv) deduce the stoichiometry of chemical reactions.

3. Kinetic theory of matter and Gas Laws

(a) An outline of the kinetic theory of matter;
(i) melting,
(ii) vapourization
(iii) boiling
(iv) freezing
(v) condensation
in terms of molecular motion and Brownian movement.
(b)(i) The laws of Boyle, Charles, Graham and Dalton (law of partial pressure); combined gas law, molar volume and atomicity of gases.
(ii) The ideal gas equation (PV = nRT).
(iii) The relationship between vapour density of gases and the relative molecular mass.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) apply the theory to distinguish between solids, liquids and gases;
(ii) deduce reasons for change of state;
(iii) draw inferences based on molecular motion;
(iv) deduce gas laws from given expressions/ statements;
(v) interpret graphical representations related to these laws;
(vi) perform simple calculations based on these laws, equations and relationships

4. Atomic structure and bonding

(a) (i)The concept of atoms, molecules and ions, the works of Dalton, Millikan, Rutherford, Moseley, Thompson and Bohr.
(ii) Atomic structure, electron configuration, atomic number, mass number and isotopes; specific examples should be drawn from elements of atomic number 1 to 20.
(iii) Shapes of s and p orbitals.
(b) The periodic table and periodicity of elements, presentation of the periodic table with a view to recognizing families of elements e.g. alkali metals, halogens, the noble gases and transition metals. The variation of the following properties: ionization energy, ionic radii, electron affinity and electronegativity.
(c) Chemical bonding.
Electrovalency and covalency, the electron configuration of elements and their tendency to attain the noble gas structure. Hydrogen bonding and metallic bonding as special types of electrovalency and covalency respectively; coordinate bond as a type of covalent bond as illustrated by complexes like [Fe(CN)6]3-, [Fe(CN)6]4-, [Cu(NH3)4]2+ and [Ag(NH3)2]+; van der Waals' forces should be mentioned as a special type of bonding forces.
(d) Shapes of simple molecules: linear ((H2, O2, C12,HCl and CO2), non-linear (H2O) and tetrahedral; (CH4) and pyramidal (NH3).
(e) Nuclear Chemistry:
(i) Radioactivity - Types and properties of
(ii) Nuclear reactions. Simple equations,
uses and applications of natural and
artificial radioactivity.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) distinguish between atoms, molecules and ions;
(ii) identify the contributions of these scientists to
the development of the atomic structure;
(iii) deduce the number of protons, neutrons and
electrons from atomic and mass numbers of
an atom;
(iv) apply the rules guiding the arrangement of
electrons in an atom;
(v) identity common elements exhibiting isotopy;
(vi) relate isotopy to mass number;
(vii) perform simple calculations relating to isotopy;
(viii) differentiate between the shapes of the orbitals;
(ix) determine the number of electrons in s and
p atomic orbitals;
(x) relate atomic number to the position of an
element on the periodic table;
(xi) relate properties of groups of elements on the periodic table;
(xii) identify reasons for variation in properties
across the period and down the groups.
(xiii) differentiate between the different types
of bonding.
(xiv) deduce bond types based on electron
(xv) relate the nature of bonding to properties
of compounds;
(xvi) differentiate between the various shapes
of molecules
xvii) distinguish between ordinary chemical
reaction and nuclear reaction;
(xviii) differentiate between natural and
artificial radioactivity;
(xix) compare the properties of the different
types of nuclear radiations;
(xx) compute simple calculations on the
half-life of a radioactive material;
(xxi) balance simple nuclear equation;
(xxii) identify the various applications of

5. Air

(a) The natural gaseous constituents and their proportion in the air.
- nitrogen, oxygen, water vapour, carbon (IV) oxide and the noble gases (argon and neon).
(b) Air as a mixture and some uses of the noble gas.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) deduce reason (s) for the existence of
air as a mixture;
(ii) identify the principle involved in the
separation of air components;
(iii) deduce reasons for the variation in the
composition of air in the environment;
(iv) specify the uses of some of the
constituents of air.

6. Water

(a) Water as a product of the combustion of hydrogen and its composition by volume.
(b) Water as a solvent, atmospheric gases dissolved in water and their biological significance.
(c) Hard and soft water:
Temporary and permanent
hardness and methods of softening
hard water.
(d) Treatment of water for town supply.
(e) Water of crystallization, efflorescence,
deliquescence and hygroscopy. Examples of the substances exhibiting these properties and their uses.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify the various uses of water;
(ii) identity the effects of dissolved atmospheric
gases in water;
(iii) distinguish between the properties of hard and
soft water;
(iv) determine the causes of hardness;
(v) identify methods of removal of hardness;
(vi) describe the processes involved in the
treatment of water for town supply;
(vii) distinguish between these phenomena;
(viii) identify the various compounds that exhibit
these phenomena.

7. Solubility

(a) Unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions. Solubility curves and simple deductions from them, (solubility defined in terms of mole per dm3) and simple calculations.
(b) Solvents for fats, oil and paints
and the use of such solvents
for the removal of stains.
(c) False solution (Suspensions and colloids):
Properties and examples.
Harmattan haze and water paints as examples
of suspensions and fog, milk, aerosol spray,
emulsion paints and rubber solution as
examples of colloids.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) distinguish between the different types of
(ii) interpret solubility curves;
(iii) calculate the amount of solute that can
dissolve in a given amount of solvent at a
given temperature;
(iv) deduce that solubility is temperature-dependent;
(v) relate nature of solvents to their uses;
(vi) differentiate among true solution,
suspension and colloids;
(vii) compare the properties of a true solution
and a �false' solution.
(viii) provide typical examples of suspensions
and colloids.

8. Environmental Pollution

(a) Sources and effects of pollutants.
(b) Air pollution:
Examples of air pollutants such as
H2S, CO, SO2, oxides of nitrogen,
chlorofluorocarbons and dust.
(c) Water pollution
Sewage and oil pollution should be
(d) Soil pollution:
Oil spillage, Biodegradable and
non-biodegradable pollutants.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify the different types of pollution and
(ii) specify different sources of pollutants
(iii) classify pollutants as biodegradable and
(iv) specify the effects of pollution on the
(v) identify measures for control of
environmental pollution.

9. Acids, bases and salts

(a) General characteristics and properties of acids, bases and salts. Acids/base indicators, basicity of acids; normal, acidic, basic and
double salts. An acid defined as a substance whose aqueous solution furnishes H3O+ions or as a proton donor. Ethanoic, citric and tartaric acids as examples of naturally occurring organic acids, alums as examples
of double salts, preparation of salts by neutralization, precipitation and action of acids on metals. Oxides and trioxocarbonate (IV) salts
(b) Qualitative comparison of the
conductances of molar solutions of
strong and weak acids and bases,
relationship between conductance and
amount of ions present.
(c) pH and pOH scale; Simple calculations
(d) Acid/base titrations.
(e) Hydrolysis of salts: Principle
Simple examples such as
NH4Cl, AlCl3, Na2CO3 and CH3COONa
Candidates should be able to:
(i) distinguish between the properties of
acids and bases;
(ii) identify the different types of acids
and bases;
(iii) determine the basicity of acids;
(iv) differentiate between acidity and
alkalinity using acid/base indicators;
(v) identify the various methods of
preparation of salts;
(vi) classify different types of salts;
(vii) relate degree of dissociation to strength
of acids and bases;
(viii) relate degree of dissociation to
(ix) perform simple calculations on pH and pOH;
(x) identify the appropriate acid-base
(xi) interpret graphical representation of
titration curves;
(xii) perform simple calculations based on
the mole concept;
(xiii) balance equations for the hydrolysis
of salts;
(xiv) deduce the properties (acidic, basic,
neutral) of the resultant solution.

10. Oxidation and reduction

(a) Oxidation in terms of the addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen.
(b) Reduction as removal of oxygen or
addition of hydrogen.
(c) Oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer.
(d) Use of oxidation numbers. Oxidation and reduction treated as change in oxidation number and use of oxidation numbers in balancing simple equations.
(e) IUPAC nomenclature of inorganic compounds using oxidation number.
(f) Tests for oxidizing and reducing agents.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify the various forms of expressing
oxidation and reduction;
(ii) classify chemical reactions in terms of
oxidation or reduction;
(iii) balance redox reaction equations;
(iv) deduce the oxidation number of chemical
(v) compute the number of electron transfer
in redox reactions;
(vi) identify the name of redox species in a reaction
(vii) distinguish between oxidizing and reducing
agents in redox reactions.
(viii) apply oxidation number in naming inorganic compounds
(ix) relate reagents to their oxidizing and reducing abilities.

11. Electrolysis

(a) Electrolytes and non-electrolytes.
Faraday's laws of electrolysis.
(b) (i) Electrolysis of dilute H2SO4, aqueous
CuSO4, CuC12 solution, dilute and concentrated NaC1 solutions and fused NaC1
(ii) Factors affecting discharge of ions at the electrodes.
(c) Uses of electrolysis:
Purification of metals e.g. copper and
production of elements and compounds
(Al, Na, O2, Cl2 and NaOH).
(d) Electrochemical cells:
Redox series (K, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb, H, Cu, Hg, Ag, Au,)
half-cell reactions and electrode potentials. (Simple calculations only).
(e) Corrosion as an electrolytic process,
cathodic protection of metals,
painting, electroplating and coating
with grease or oil as ways of
preventing iron from corrosion.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) distinguish between electrolytes and non-
(ii) perform calculations based on faraday as a
mole of electrons.
(iii) identify suitable electrodes for different
(iv) specify the chemical reactions at the
(v) determine the products at the electrodes;
(vi) identify the factors that affect the products
of electrolysis;
(vii) specify the different areas of application of
(viii) identify the various electrochemical cells;
(ix) calculate electrode potentials using half-
cell reaction equations;
(x) determine the different areas of
application of electrolytic processes;
(xi) identify methods used in protecting metals.

12. Energy changes

(a) Energy changes(Δ
H) accompanying physical
and chemical changes:
dissolution of substances in/or
reaction with water e.g. Na, NaOH,
K, NH4Cl. Endothermic (+ΔH) and exothermic (-ΔH) reactions.
(b) Entropy as an order-disorder
phenomenon: simple illustrations
like mixing of gases and dissolution
of salts.
(c) Spontaneity of reactions:
ΔGθ = 0 as a criterion for equilibrium, Δ
greater or less than zero as a criterion for
non-spontaneity or spontaneity respectively.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) determine the types of heat changes
H) in physical and chemical processes;
(ii) interpret graphical representations of heat
(iii) relate the physical state of a substance
to the degree of orderliness;
(iv) determine the conditions for spontaneity
of a reaction ;
(v) relate ΔHθ, ΔSθ and ΔGθ as the driving
forces for chemical reactions;
(vi) solve simple problems based on the
relationships ΔGθ= ΔHθ -TΔSθ

13. Rates of Chemical Reaction

(a) Elementary treatment of the following factors which can change the rate of a chemical reaction:
(i) Temperature e.g. the reaction between HCl and Na2S2O3 or Mg and HCl
(ii) Concentration e.g. the reaction between HCl and Na2S2O3, HCl and marble and the iodine clock reaction, for gaseous systems, pressure may be used as concentration term.
(iii) Surface area e.g. the reaction
between marble and HCl with
marble in
(i) powdered form
(ii) lumps of the same mass.
(iv) Catalyst e.g. the decomposition
of H2O2 or KClO3 in the
presence or absence of MnO2
(b) Reaction rate curves.
(c) Activation energy
Qualitative treatment of Arrhenius' law and
the collision theory, effect of light on some
reactions. e.g. halogenation of alkanes
Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify the factors that affect the rates of a chemical reaction;
(ii) determine the effects of temperature on
the rate of reactions;
(iii) examine the effect of concentration/pressure on
the rate of a chemical reaction;
(iv) describe how the rate of a chemical reaction is
affected by surface area;
(v) determine the types of catalysts suitable for different reactions and their effects;
(vi) determine ways of moderating these effects in chemical reactions.
(vii) interpret reaction rate curves;
(viii) solve simple problems on the rate of reactions;
(ix) relate the rate of reaction to the kinetic theory of matter.
(x) examine the significance of activation energy to chemical reactions.
(xi) deduce the value of activation energy (Ea) from reaction rate curves.

14. Chemical equilibra

Reversible reactions and factors governing
the equilibrium position. Dynamic
equilibrium. Le Chatelier's principle and equilibrium constant. Simple examples to
include action of steam on iron and N2O4 2NO2.
No calculation will be required.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify the factors that affects the position
of equilibrium of a chemical reaction;
(ii) predict the effects of each factor on the position
of equilibrium;
(iii) determine the effects of these factors on
equilibrium constant.

15. Non-metals and their compounds

(a) Hydrogen: commercial production from
water gas and cracking of petroleum
fractions, laboratory preparation,
properties, uses and test for hydrogen.
(b) Halogens: Chlorine as a representative
element of the halogen. Laboratory preparation, industrial preparation by electrolysis, properties and uses, e.g. water sterilization, bleaching, manufacture of HCl, plastics and insecticides.
Hydrogen chloride and Hydrochloric acid: Preparation and properties. Chlorides and test for chlorides.
(c) Oxygen and Sulphur
(i) Oxygen:
Laboratory preparation, properties and uses. Commercial production from liquid air. Oxides: Acidic,basic, amphoteric and neutral, trioxygen (ozone) as an allotrope and the importance of ozone in the atmosphere.
(ii) Sulphur:
Uses and allotropes:
preparation of allotropes is not expected . Preparation, properties and uses of sulphur(IV) oxide, the reaction of SO2 with alkalis. Trioxosulphate (IV) acid and its salts, the effect of acids on salts of trioxosulphate(IV), Tetraoxosulphate(VI) acid: Commercial preparation (contact process only), properties as a dilute acid, an oxidizing and a dehydrating agent and uses. Test for SO42-.
Hydrogen sulphide: Preparation and properties as a weak acid, reducing agent and precipitating agent. Test for S2-
(d) Nitrogen:
(i) Laboratory preparation
(ii) Production from liquid air
(iii) Ammonia:
Laboratory and industrial
preparations (Haber Process only),
properties and uses, ammonium salts
and their uses, oxidation of
ammonia to nitrogen (IV)
oxide and trioxonitrate (V)
Test for NH4+
(iv) Trioxonitrate (V) acid:
Laboratory preparation
from ammonia;
properties and uses. Trioxonitrate (V) salt-
action of heat and uses. Test for NO3-
(v) Oxides of nitrogen:
The nitrogen cycle.
(e) Carbon:
(i) Allotropes: Uses and
(ii) Carbon(IV) oxide-
Laboratory preparation, properties
and uses. Action of heat on
trioxocarbonate (IV) salts and test for
(iii) Carbon(II) oxide:
Laboratory preparation, properties
including its effect on blood;
sources of carbon (II) oxide to
include charcoal, fire and exhaust
(iv) Coal: Different types, products
obtained from destructive
distillation of wood and coal.
(v) Coke: Gasification and uses.
Manufacture of synthetic gas and
Candidates should be able to:
(i) predict reagents for the laboratory and
industrial preparation of these gases and
their compounds.
(ii) identify the properties of the gases and their
(iii) compare the properties of these gases and
their compounds.
(iv) specify the uses of each gas and its
(v) determine the specific test for each gas and its
(vi) determine specific tests for Cl-, SO42-, SO32-,
S2-, NH4+, NO3-, CO32-, HCO?3
(vii) predict the reagents for preparation,
properties and uses HCl(g) and HCl(aq);
(viii) identify the allotropes of oxygen;
(ix) determine the significance of ozone to
our environment.
(x) classify the oxides of oxygen and their
(xi) identify the allotropes of sulphur and their
(xii) predict the reagents for preparation, properties
and uses of SO2 and H2S;
(xiii) specify the preparations of H2SO4 and H2SO3,
their properties and uses.
(xiv) specify the laboratory and industrial
preparation of NH3;
(xv) identify the properties and uses of NH3;
(xvi) identify reagents for the laboratory
preparation of HNO3, its properties and
(xvii) specify the properties of N2O, NO, NO2 gases.
(xviii) examine the relevance of nitrogen cycle
to the environment.
(xix) identify allotropes of carbon;
(xx) predict reagents for the laboratory
preparation of CO2;
(xxi) specify the properties of CO2 and its
(xxii) determine the reagents for the
laboratory preparation of CO;
(xxiii) predict the effects of CO on human;
(xxiv) identify the different forms of coal:
(xxv) determine their uses;
(xxvi) specify the products of the destructive distillation of wood and coal;
(xxvii) specify the uses of coke and synthetic gas.

16. Metals and their compounds

(a) General properties of metals
(b) Alkali metals e.g. sodium
(i) Sodium hydroxide:-
Production by electrolysis of
brine, its action on aluminium, zinc and lead ions.
Uses including precipitation of
metallic hydroxides.
(ii) Sodium trioxocarbonate (IV)
and sodium hydrogen trioxocarbonate (IV): Production by Solvay process, properties and uses, e.g.
Na2CO3 in the manufacture of glass.
(iii) Sodium chloride: its occurrence in
sea water and uses, the economic
importance of sea water and the
recovery of sodium chloride.
(c) Alkaline-earth metals, e.g. calcium;
calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide
and calcium trioxocarbonate (IV);
Properties and uses. Preparation of calcium oxide from sea shells, the
chemical composition of cement
and the setting of mortar. Test for Ca2+.
(d) Aluminium
Purification of bauxite, electrolytic
extraction, properties and uses of aluminium and its compounds. Test for A13+
(e) Tin
Extraction from its ores.
Properties and uses.
(f) Metals of the first transition series.
Characteristic properties:
(i) electron configuration
(ii) oxidation states
(iii) complex ion formation
(iv) formation of coloured ions
(v) catalysis
(g) Iron
Extraction from sulphide and oxide
ores, properties and uses, different forms
of iron and their properties and
advantages of steel over iron.
Test for Fe2+ and Fe3+
(h) Copper
Extraction from sulphide and oxide
ores, properties and uses of copper.
Preparation and uses of copper( II )
tetraoxosulphate(VI). Test for Cu2+
(i) Alloy
Steel, stainless steel, brass, bronze, type- metal, duralumin, soft solder,
permallory and alnico (constituents and
uses only).
Candidates should be able to:
(i) specify the general properties of metals;
(ii) determine the method of extraction suitable
for each metal;
(iii) relate the methods of extraction to the
properties for the metals;
(iv) compare the chemical reactivities of the metals;
(v) specify the uses of the metals;
(vi) determine specific test for metallic ions;
(vii) determine the process for the production
of the compounds of these metals;
(viii) compare the chemical reactivities of the
(ix) specify the uses of these compounds;
(x) specify the chemical composition of cement.
(xi) describe the method of purification of bauxite;
(xii) specify the ores of tin;
(xiii) relate the method of extraction to its properties;
(xiv) specify the uses of tin;
(xv) identify the general properties of the first
transition metals;
(xvi) deduce reasons for the specific properties
of the transition metals;
(xvii) determine the IUPAC names of simple
transition metal complexes
(xviii) determine the suitable method of
extraction of iron;
(xix) specify the properties and uses of iron;
(xx) identify the different forms of iron, their compositions, properties and uses.
(xxi) identify the appropriate method of
extraction of copper from its compounds;
(xxii) relate the properties of copper and its
compound to their uses.
(xxiii) specify the method for the preparation of
(xxiv) specify the constituents and uses of the
various alloys mentioned.
(xxv) compare the properties and uses of alloys
to pure metals.

17. Organic Compounds

An introduction to the tetravalency of
carbon, the general formula, IUPAC
nomenclature and the determination of
empirical formula of each class of the
organic compounds mentioned below.
(a) Aliphatic hydrocarbons
(i) Alkanes
Homologous series in relation
to physical properties,
substitution reaction and a few
examples and uses of halogenated
products. Isomerism: structural
only (examples on isomerism should
not go beyond six carbon atoms).
Petroleum: composition, fractional distillation and major products; cracking and reforming, Petrochemicals - starting materials of organic syntheses, quality of petrol and meaning of octane number.
(ii) Alkenes
Isomerism: structural and geometric
isomerism, additional and
polymerization reactions, polythene
and synthetic rubber as examples of
products of polymerization and its use
in vulcanization.
(iii) Alkynes
Ethyne - production from action of
water on carbides, simple reactions and
properties of ethyne.
(b) Aromatic hydrocarbons e.g. benzene -
structure, properties and uses.
(c) Alkanols
Primary, secondary, tertiary - production
of ethanol by fermentation and from
petroleum by-products. Local examples
of fermentation and distillation, e.g.
gin from palm wine and other local
sources and glycerol as a polyhydric
Reactions of OH group - oxidation as a distinguishing test among primary, secondary
and tertiary alkanols (Lucas test).
(d) Alkanals and alkanones.
Chemical test to distinguish between
alkanals and alkanones.
(e) Alkanoic acids.
Chemical reactions; neutralization and
esterification, ethanedioic (oxalic) acid
as an example of a dicarboxylic acid
and benzene carboxylic acid as an
example of an aromatic acid.
(f) Alkanoates
Formation from alkanoic acids and
alkanols - fats and oils as alkanoates.
Production of soap and margarine from
alkanoates and distinction between
detergents and soaps.
(g) Amines (Alkanamines) Primary, Secondary,
and tertiary
(h) Carbohydrates
Classification - mono-, di- and polysaccharides; composition, chemical tests for simple sugars and reaction with concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid. Hydrolysis of complex sugars e.g. cellulose from cotton and starch from cassava, the uses of sugar and starch in the production of alcoholic beverages, pharmaceuticals and textiles.
(i) Proteins:
Primary structures, hydrolysis and tests (Ninhydrin, Biuret, Millon's and xanthoproteic)
Enzymes and their functions.
(j) Polymers:
Natural and synthetic rubber; addition and condensation polymerization.
- Methods of preparation, examples and uses.
Thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics.
Candidates should be able to:
(i) derive the name of organic compounds from
their general formulae;
(ii) relate the name of a compound to its structure
(iii) relate the tetravalency of carbon to its ability
to form chains of compound (catenation);
(iv) classify compounds according to their
functional groups;
(v) derive empirical formula and molecular
formula, from given data;
(vi) relate structure/functional groups to specific
(vii) derive various isomeric forms from a given
(viii) distinguish between the different types of
(ix) classify the various types of hydrocarbons;
(x) distinguish each class of hydrocarbons by their properties;
(xi) specify the uses of various hydrocarbons;
(xii) identify crude oil as a complex mixture
of hydrocarbons;
(xiii) relate the fractions of hydrocarbons to their
properties and uses;
(xiv) relate transformation processes to quality
improvement of the fractions;
(xv) distinguish between various polymerization
(xvi) specify the process involved in vulcanization;
(xvii) specify chemical test for terminal alkynes
(xviii) distinguish between aliphatic and aromatic
(xix) relate the properties of benzene to its structure
(xx) compare the various classes of alkanols;
(xxi) determine the processes involved in ethanol
(xxii) examine the importance of ethanol as an
alternative energy provider;
(xxiii) distinguish the various classes of alkanols;
(xxiv) differentiate between alkanals and alkanones;
(xxv) compare the various types of alkanoic acids;
(xxvi) identify natural sources of alkanoates;
(xxvii) specify the methods for the production of
soap, detergent and margarine.
(xxviii) distinguish between detergent and soap;
(xxix) compare the various classes of alkanamine;
(xxx) identify the natural sources of
(xxxi) compare the various classes of
(xxxii) infer the products of hydrolysis and
dehydration of carbohydrates;
(xxxiii) determine the uses of carbohydrates;
(xxxiv) specify the tests for simple sugars;
(xxxv) identify the basic structure of proteins;
(xxxvi) specify the methods and products of
(xxxvii) specify the various tests for proteins;
(xxxviii) distinguish between natural and synthetic
(xxxix) differentiate between addition and
condensation polymerization processes;
(xl) classify natural and commercial polymers
and their uses;
(xli) distinguish between thermoplastics and
thermosetting plastics.

18. Chemistry and Industry

Chemical industries: Types, raw materials and
relevancies; Biotechnology.
Candidates should be able to :
(i) classify chemical industries interms of products;
(ii) identify raw materials for each industry;
(iii) distinguish between fine and heavy
(iv) enumerate the relevance of each of these
(v) relate industrial processes to biotechnology.


1. New School Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools, Ababio, O. Y. (2009), (Fourth edition), Onitsha: Africana FIRST Publishers Limited.

2. Senior Secondary Chemistry, Bajah, S.T.; Teibo, B. O., Onwu, G.; and Obikwere, A. Book 1 (1999), Books 2 and 3 (2000). Lagos: Longman.

3. Understanding Chemistry for Schools and Colleges, Ojokuku, G. O. (2012, Revised Edition), Zaria: Press-On Chemresources.

4. Essential: Chemistry for Senior Secondary Schools, (2008), 2nd Edition, I. A. Odesina, Lagos: Tonad Publishers Limited.

5. Countdown to WASSCE/SSCE, NECO, JME Chemistry, Uche, I. O.; Adenuga, I. J. and Iwuagwu, S. L. (2003). Ibadan: Evans.


  • chemistry jamb syllabus pdf
  • chemistry jamb syllabus 2017
  • chemistry jamb syllabus 2017
  • 2017 chemistry jamb syllabus
  • chemistry jamb syllabus
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Igbo Language JAMB Syllabus and Recommended Textbooks - 2017/2018

Igbo Language JAMB Syllabus


Get the Updated Igbo JAMB Syllabus for 2017 here

The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Igbo is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1)communicate effectively in Igbo;
2)analyse issues in the language;
3)interpret and explain figurative and idiomatic expression in Igbo;
4)apply Igbo literature to their daily life experiences and to demonstrate Igbo cultural values.

1.ESSAY (Edemede)
(a)Basic principles of essay writing: introduction, body and conclusion

(b) Basic essay types and their characteristics
(i)  Narrative (Akomako)
(ii) Descriptive and expository (Nkowa na Nkowami)
(iii) Argumentative (Mgbagha/Arumaruyka) Speech making (Ekwumekwu)
(iv) Letter Writing (Edemleta)
(v) Dialogue (Mkparjtauka

Candidates should be able to:

(i)   identify the basic principles of essay writing
(ii)  use of words and expressions appropriate to a  particular topic;
(iii)  differentiate between different essay types;
(iv)  describe the characteristics ofessay types;
(v)  compare   different   types   of essay;
(vi)  criticize other people's essays.

2. Comprehension (Aghotaazaa)
Three passages each of about one hundred and fifty (150) words long

Candidates should be able to:

(i) highlight the  meanings of difficult words;
(ii) give correct answers
(iii) differentiate between figurative and idiomatic expressions from the passage;
(iv) deduce conclusions(s) based on the passage.

3. Sounds and Sound Patterns:
(a)Udaasusu na Usoro udaasusu)
(b)Vowels, Consonants and
i. Syllabic nasals (myiri udaume)
ii. Syllable structure (nkebi mkpuruokwu)
iii. Sound processes (usoro udaasusu):
iv. vowel harmony (ndakorjta udaume);
v. vowel assimilation (olilo udaume);
vi. vowel elision and consonant elision (ndapu udaume na ndapu mgbochiume)
(d)Tone and tone marking (Akara Udaolu)

Candidates should be able:
(i) identify vowels, consonants and syllabi nasals;
(ii) distinguish between the speech sounds of the Igbo language;
(iii) recognize syllabic nasal 'm' & ‘n
(iv) determine the syllabic structure of any word;
(v)  identify the vowel groups  in Igbo
(vi) describe vowel assimilation and vowel and consonant elision;
(vii) detect tone marks appropriately.

4 Spelling and spelling rules:
letters of Igbo orthography and
consonant restrictions (Nsupe na Iwu Nsupe:
Mkpuruedemede Igbo)
Non-occurrence of consonant clusters and word - final consonants

Candidates should be able to:
(i) detect words correctly written in Igbo;
(ii) observe consonant restrictions in Igbo;
(iii) determine appropriate word division in Igbo;
(iv) apply correct spellings in writing;

5.Dialect and Standard Igbo
(Olundj/Olumba na Igbo Izugbe

Candidates should be able to:
(i) differentiate between standard Igbo and dialects;
(ii) use standard Igbo in their  writings.

6.Vocabulary (Mkpuruokwu djn'asusu)
Expansion through word derivation processes, coinages, loans and loans-blends

Candidates should be able to:
(i) differentiate between loan and coined words;
(ii) identify loan words and loan- blends in Igbo;
(iii) use words appropriately.

7.Grammar (Vtoasusu)
(a) Parts of speech (word or form/classes): Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, affixes (prefixes, suffixes and intcrfixes). enclitics etc.
(b)Thc structure, types and functions of the morpheme (free & bound)
(i) the word
(ii) the phrase
(iii) the clause (nominal,relative adverbial)
(iv) the sentence (simple, compound, complex etc)

Candidates should be able to:
(i) differentiate between grammatical categories;
(ii) identify parts of speech and their functions;
(iii) differentiate between types of affixes and their functions;
(iv) determine types of morphemes and their
(v) identify words, phrases, clauses, sentences and their functions;

8. Translation (Ntugharj)

Candidates should be able to:
(i) translate English into  Igbo and vice versa;
(ii) communicate effectively in Igbo and English;

1. Literary devices such as alliteration, assonance, parallelism, metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification and proverbs etc

Candidates should be able to:
(i) identify all literary devices in the passages;
(ii) interpret literary devices;
(iii) differentiate between types of literary devices;
(iv) use Igbo literary devices Appropriately

2. Oral Literature: Agumagu Qnu/ Agumagu Qdjnala
Questions will be set on the following: folktales (ifo),
anecdotes (yk.ibuilu), myths(rikomhiko), legends (nkokirjko),poems (abu), songs (uri), chants (mbem), riddles (agwugwa), oral drama (ejije onu), tongue-twister (okwuntuhj) dg.

Candidates should be able to:
(i) create folk stories, anecdotes, chants,  riddles, oral drama etc.
(ii) analyse various genres of oral literatures
(iii) Present ideas/formulae in accordance with  underlying principles;
(iv) apply the lessons of oral literature to their everyday life.

3. Written Literature (Agumagu Ederede)
(a) Prose (iduuazj)
(i) Nwadike I. U. (2005):Uwa Bu Agha Enugu, Format Publishers Ltd.
(ii) Okafor S.N. (2003;: Uwa Mgbede Obosi; Pacific Publishers Ltd.

(b) Poetry (Abu)
(i)  Mgbemena, A.U. (1990):Echiche,
Lagos: Macmillan (Nig.) Publisher Ltd.

Candidates should be able to:
(i) interpret the texts;
(ii) isolate the characters in the  books;
(iii) compare figurative and idiomatic expressions in the text;
(iv) analyse the texts
(v) identify the authors,publishers and dates of the books;
(vi)draw moral lessons from the texts.

Selected Poems
1. Nwanne dj na mba pp 6
 2. IheUwa             pp21-23
3. Ndubuekete        pp26
 4. EziUmynne        pp43-44
5. Ndj Ndorondoro ochichi
 Obodo                  pp 54 - 56
Anozie C. C. (2005): Uche By

Candidates should be able to:
(i) compare the types and themes of the poems;
(ii) relate the poet's idea to the contents of the poem;
(iii) Compare  figurative  and idiomatic expressions in the exts/poems;
(iv) analyse the structures of the poems;
(v) apply acquired knowledge and moral lessons from the poems to their daily lives.

Akpa, Enugu: CIDJAP Press
Selected Poems
  1. Ekwentj  pp 72-74
  2. Qrja Mmjnwy  pp 78 - 79
  3. Qruugbo  pp 123-125
  4. Enye anyi chance  pp 134
  5. Ako bu ndu  pp 145 – 147
  6. Ule akwukwo pp 183 – 184


i.  OkoroB.C.(1979):
Nka di na Nti, Ibadan Evans Brothers Nig.Publishers Limited
ii. Akoma,E.(1977): Obidiya, Ibadan: Oxford     University Press.

Candidates should be able to:

 (i) identify types of drama;
 (ii)  determine the themes of the  texts;
 (iii) identify the story lines;
 (iv) find out the characters in the stories;
 (v) appreciate the language of theplay;
 (vi) appraise  the  social  problems raised by the author in die play;
 (vii) apply acquired knowledge  to personal life.

(Omenala na Ewumewu)
Igbo Customs and institutions as categoriezed below:

1. Ekele dj icheiche; Ekele utytu, ehihie, anyasi, nri,
Nlakpu, oru dg.

2. Alumnwaanyf, jgba alukwaghfm.

Candidates should be able to:
(i) describe the customs of their people;
(ii) determine the rules and regulations guiding specified aspects of the culture and tradition of the Igbo people;
(iii) describe the importance of the aspects of Igbo culture;
(iv) identify changes that have occurred as a result of civilization;
(v)  explore their environment for a better appreciation of their culture.

3. Qmumy na ile Qmugwo, ikuputa nwa, ibi ugwu, jgu aha.
  4. Echichi: Qzo, Eze/ODi/Igwe/Iyom.
  5. Ikeekpe, akwamozu, igba mkpe
  6. Umunna, Umuokpu / Umuada
  7. Ogbo/ebiri/uke, Ohanaeze, ezinaulo.

Candidates should be able to:
(i) describe the customs of their people;
(ii) determine the rules and regulations guiding specified aspects of the culture and tradition of the Igbo people;
(iii) describe the importance of the aspects of Igbo culture;
(iv) identify changes that have occurred as a result of civilization;
(v) explore their environment for a better appreciation of their culture.

8. Aru na Nsoala Ihe nso-anu, osisi nso ebe igbu ochu.
  9. Ochichi Odinala: Igwe/Eze, Nze na ozo umunna, Ezinaulo dg.
 10. Mnabata Obia Oji naitu nzu itu aha.
 11. Igba afa, ichu aja, igo mmuo
 12. Nkwenye: idu isi/inu iyi, igba ndu, oruko dg.
 13. Akunauba: Inwe ala, ike ala, ekpe, elulu (ikpa okuko, ewu dg,
 14. Ikikere mmuo: ofo, ogu, otonso, okpesi/ Ikenga;
 15. Egwuregwu: mgba, egwu onwa, Igba boolu.

Candidates should be able to:
(i)   describe the customs of their people;
(ii)   determine the rules and regulations guiding specified aspects of the culture and tradition of the Igbo people;
(iii)  describe the importance of the aspects of Igbo culture;
(iv)   identify changes that have occurred as a result of civilization;
(v)  explore their environment for a better appreciation of their culture.

SECTION D: Genral and Current Affairs(The Ndi na-eme Ugbua)

1. Tropical issues on the Igbo language, literature and culture e.g Ahiajioku and Odenigbo lectures.
2. Ohanaeze Ndi Igbo

3. Athors, Publishers, dates and places of publication of works in Igbo

4. Igbo studies Association (ISA)

Candidates should be able to:
(i)identify some dates and themes of Ahiajioku and odenigbo lectures;
(ii)Identify authors and dates of publication of various textbooks in Igbo
(iii)Identify some publishing companies
(iv)Analyse some functions of Ohanaeze ndi Igbo
(v)Acquaint themselves with the functions of the igbo Studies Association (ISA)

Item writers should also choose their topics  for comprehension exercises from such current issues as the following:

Drug Abuse (jnu Qgwu Agharaghara)
Cultism (Otu Nzuzo) Rights of Women and Children
(Ikike Umunwaanyi na Umuaka Nwerc)
Human Rights Violation (Inapu Mmadu Ikike)
Religious Conflicts (Nsogbu Ekpemckpe)

Candidates should be able to:
(i) acquaint themselves with current issues;
(ii) examine their effects;
(iii) suggest remedies to the problems.

1.Emenanjo, E. N., Okolie, F. O. and Ekwe, B. U . (1995)
Igbo maka Sinio Sekondiri Sukul I.
2.Emenanjo E. N. Dike, O. N Agomo S. N and Ezeuko, R.O.(1999) Exam Focus maka WASSCE na UME, Ibadan: University Press Plc
3.Ezikeojiaku, P. A. Okebalama, C.N. Onweluzo C.N and Ekwe B. U(1991) Ule Igbo maka Sinio Sekondiri Ibadan: University Press Plc.
4.Ikekeonwu, C. Ezikeojiaku P.A. Ubani A. and Ugoji J. (1991) Fonoloji na Grama Igbo, Ibadan; Univeristy Press Plc.
5.Nzeako, J. U. T. (1972) Omenala Ndi Igbo Ibdan Longman
6.Okoye, O.F.S., Ofoegbu, N.F and Ezididiegwu B. L.(1997) Ogbara Ohuru Utoasusu, Igbo maka Sinio Sekondiri, Onitsha Houston Publisher Ltd.
7.Osuagwu, B. I. N. (1979): Ndi Igbo na omenala Ha, Nigeria Macmillan
8.Ubesie, T. U. (1978) Odinala Ndi Igbo, Ibadan Oxford University Press.
9.Umeh, I. O. A; Onyekaonwu, G. O. Nwadike, I. U and Okeke I. O(1992) Utoasusu na Agumagu Igbo nke Sinio Sekondiri Sukul, Ibadan Evans.
10.Uba-Mgbenena, A. (2006): Utoala Usoroasusu Igbo, Ibadan Gold Press Ltd.
11.Anoze, C. C. (2003), Igbo Kwenu: Akuko na Omenala ndi Igbo Enugu ComputerEdge Publishers

Monday 30 January 2017

ADSU 1st Batch Admission List - 2016/17 & Free Download PDF Here

This is to inform the general public and aspirants of Adamawa State University, Mubi that the 2016/2017 admission list is now available online

2017/2018 French JAMB Syllabus and Recommended Textbooks


The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in French is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1.assess written comprehension in French;
2.identify how French sounds work in speech production;
3.examine the culture of Francophone Africa and France in relation (where possible) to home country;
4.appreciate straightforward literary texts in French;
5.apply the principles governing the structure and use of written French.

French JAMB Syllabus

1. Written Comprehension in French
- Topics of general and emergent Interest e.g. love, life death, politics, Marriage, HIV/AIDS, Communication, child trafficking, Cultism, travel, corruption, money laundering etc.

Candidates should be able to:
(i) deduce answers to question on the content, Intent and style of proposed texts;
(ii) apply reasoning skills.

2. Principles Governing theStructure and Use of Written French
 1. Identification of basic form classes:
(a) Nouns - simple/compound, Singular/plural masculine/feminine

(b) Pronouns - personal, impersonal, Demonstrative, possessive and Relative.

(c) Verbs - reflexive and non-reflexive, their moods and tenses.

(d) Adjectives – qualifying possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite (e.g. nul), numeral (e.g. dix) and ordinal (e.g. dixieme)

(e) Adverbs

- Common forms
i)  with-ment (e.g. lentenment)
ii) with preposition + noun(e.g. par avion, a cheval, En voiture, par bateau)
- Special forms (e.g. bien, vite, mal, mieux, le mieux, pire, le pis, ne... que)
- Types
- Manner (e.g. debout, facilement)
- Purpose (e.g. pour + Infinitive, afin de + infinitive
- Cause and consequence (e.g. pour + infinitive perfect, a cause de + noun)
- Concession (e.g. malgre +Noun)
- Place (e.g. y, en, ici, la - haut, partout)
- Time (e.g. hier, aujord'hui, Avant hier, hier, apres, demain, la veille, le matin, dans un mois).

(f)  Prepositions
- Simple (e.g. a, de, avec, vant, Sur, dans)
- compound (e.g. a cote de, au milieu de)

(g)  Conjunctions
- of co-ordinatiion (e.g. mais, ou, et, done, car, cependent, ne...ni)
- of subordination (e.g. afin que, quoique, a condition que, pour' que, parce que).

(h)  Articles
- definite, indefinite and partitive
ii assessment of vocabulary span (words in contemporary contexts- meaning, use, opposites, synonyms)
iii  Importance of word order in:
(a) affirmative sentences
(b) interrogative sentences
(c) imperative sentences
(d). passive voice formation

iv  Identification and application of basic processes in language structure, e.g.
(a)conjugation - in all tenses except Timpartfait du subjonctif le passe\ compose du subjonctif et. ..... le plus - que parfait du subjonctif.
(b) negation (e.g. ne...pas, ne.. .plus, he.. .rien, nul he, ni.. .ne, ne.. .personne, personne...ne, aucun....ne rien ne....etc)
(c) agreement (e.g. les beaux arts, il les a vues les photos)
(d) pluralisation (e.g. as in cheval/chevaux; beau/beaux)
(e) derivation
-from adj, to adv - e.g. lent-lentement
-from adj. to adj. e.g. un- premier
-from adj. to noun - e.g. bon-bonte, riche-richesse etc
-from one degree of comparison to another (using plus.. .que, mois.. ..que, aussi....que e.g. plus grand que)
NB - special forms - (e.g. bon, meilleur,le meillure la mailleur, mauvais, pire, le pire)

(v) Use of French in set
Expressions such as in proverbs, idioms and conventional structures as provided for in common speech acts:
(a) proverbs (e.g. tel pere, tel fils, petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid)
(b) idioms (e.g. avoir une faim de loup; crier su le toit, mourir de peur)
(c) conventional stretches (e.g. enchante, c'est dommage, formidable, stationnement interdit etc)
(d) speech acts (e.g. proposer, conseiller, regretter,admirer esperer, interroger, reprocher, s'accorder etc)

Candidates should be able to:
i. identify what constitutes the basic structures of written French.
ii. use the principles governing the structure of written French to determine acceptability, e.g. to transform one from one class to another;
iii. apply the structure to conveydiverse messages;
v) apply communicative skills

3. Working of French Sounds via:
(a) Sound discrimination (e.g. tout/tu)
(b)letter-sound correspondence (e.g. ai-/e/, ais-/e/)
(c)syllabification (e.g.con/tente/ment)
(d)liaison (e.g. trios animaux Cas unique)
(e)sense groups in reading (e.g. J'ai mal a la tete)
(f)cognates and faux amis (e.g. president, nation) identification of sounds to determine similarity (e.g. maison/saison, dents/don,fond/ fonde)

Candidates should be able to:
(i) discriminate between French sounds
(ii) deduce meanings out of sound combinations;
(iii) use  the  above  to enahcne effective communication;
(iv) assess sound groupings in terms of how they are affected by such features as syllabification, liaison, e-caduc;  pause, intonation, etc;

4. Literature
- study of selected texts: Identification of Characteristics features of Creative writing e.g. plot, Charaters, theme, Setting and style (use of Language, imageries etc,

Candidates should be able to:
(i) interpret the contents of selected straight-forward creative writings;
(ii) compare the contents interms of the style  and  form of narration;
(iii) assess their relevance to social life.

5. Culture and Civilization
Characteristic (Aspects, similarities and differences) of the educational system, socio¬economic life, political organization and culture life of Francophone Africa and France with reference (where possible) to home country i.e. Nigeria.

Candidates should be able to:
 i. identify the characteristics features of the culture of Francophone Africa and France-greetings, dressing, food,leisure, marriage, festival, art, profession etc;
ii. compare these features with those of home country (where possible);
iii. apply reasoning skills.

A. Literature
(i) Mbuko, I. (2006) Chaque choose en son temps. Aba: Lynnette Publishers
(ii) Malot, H. (1995) Sans Famille. Editions Francais Facile

B.(i) Written Language
Ajiboye, T.(2006) Companion to French Grammar (Revised Edition):Ilorin: Info-Links.
Ajiboye, T.(1999) Nouvel Horizon, Book 4, Ibadan: Bounty Press Berard, E. et al (1991) Tempo 2
Byrne and Churchill (1980) A Comprehensive French Grammar Hatier (1980) Ler Nouvean Bescherell: L 'Art de Conjuguer, Ibadan: Spectrum
Ojo, S.'A(2000)J4 Comprehensive Revision Handbook of French Grammar, Ibadan: Agoro Publishing Company. Vercollier, A. (2006) Difficultes expliquees du Francais (for English speakers) Spectrum Books Limited. Spectrum House, Ibadan. Gallier, T. (2007) on y va: Senior Secondary School, Spectrum Books Limited Ibadan Nigeria.
Any other relevant materials on French Grammars

(ii) Oral:
 Ajiboye, T. (2003) An Introduction to Practice in Oral French,Ibadan: Bounty Press
Leon, M. (1978) Initiation a la Pronounciation du Francais Standard.
Any other materials that emphasise oral practice

C.Culture of Froncophone Countries
Girod R and Ground-Clement, F. (1979) Coment vivent les Francois, Paris: Hachette Mbuko, L. (2000) French Essays on Culture and Civilisation for Schools and College Ibadan: Bounty Press.
Any other relevant materials, e.g. French newspapers, magazines,journals, and documentation on Froncophone life.

Wisdomline Pass at Once JAMB.

Any good French/English or French dictionary

Sunday 29 January 2017

2017/2018 Yoruba JAMB Syllabus and Recommended Textbooks

YORUBA Jamb syllabus for 2017
 Yoruba JAMB Syllabus


The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Yoruba is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to:

1.stimulate and sustain their interest in Yoruba language, literature and culture;
2.acquire pasic knowledge and skill in Yoruba language, literature and material and non-material aspects of culture.

The test will be of an objective type, candidates will answer fifty (50) multipie-choice questions covering all aspects of the syllabus:


(a) Comprehensive (1 prose and I verse)              10 items
(b) Sound system                                     05 items
(c) Grammar                                          06 items
(d) Current orthography                              02 items
(e) Translation                                      02 items

(a)Oral                                              06 items
(b)Written                                           09 items

3. CULTURE                                           10 items
    TOTAL                                            50 items




(a) Comprehension
(i) Prose

Candidates should be able to:

i. identify central issues in a passage and draw appropriate
ii. determine basic assumptions and express ideas;
iii.identify the meanings and functions of given phrases and sentences.


 (b) Sound System
(i)  Production of sounds (consonants and vowels)
(ii) Tones, tone change and tonal transfer
(iii)Syllabe structure
(iv) Sound process (vowel harmony and co-occurrence, etc.) elision and      contraction)
(v)  Loan-word integration

Candidates should be able to:

ia. identify organs of speech and speech sounds;
ib. determine their correct usages;
ii. detect linguistic errors ; (pronunciations and wrong usages);                
iii.determine the syllable; components of words;
iv. demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles underlying the relationship     between sounds;
vi. demonstrate knowledge of word adaption.


c. Grammar
i. Morphology -  Word formation.
ii.Word Classes – nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions,    prepositions, etc.
iii.Phrases and clauses – types and functions.
iv. Sentences – types, structures and functions.

Candidates should be able to:

i.  Demonstrate good knowledge of word derivation;
ii. Determine the appropriate use of words;
iii.Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Yoruba syntax;
iv. Identify the types and functions of sentences;
 v. Demonstrate good knowledge of vocabulary.


d. Current Orthography

Candidates should be able to:

i.Detect linguistic errors;
ii.Present ideas in acceptable  modern form, (oral and written).


e. Translation

Candidates should be able to:

ii.Interpret sentences and ideas in accordance with acceptable principles.


(a)Oral Literature:

Lawuyi Ogunniran,(1985) Eegun Alare. Lagos: Macmillian Nigeria publishers ltd.

Candidates should be able to:

i.  Identify central issues, problems, the component parts of an idea presented in a     work;
ii. Draw appropriate conclusions.

Wande Abimbola,(2012) Awon oju Odu Mereerindinlogun Ibadan:University press PLC.

Candidates should be able to:

i.Deduce logical inferences from abstract relations of components of an idea in a   work.
ii.Identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the poem.


(b)Written Literature:
   Agboola Ayadiran,(2007).Akanni Olu-omo Ilorin:Lifesteps Publishers.

Candidates should be able to:

i.  Demonstrate good knowledge of ideas in works of art.
ii. Draw moral lessons from the text.
iii.Identify the narrative techniques in the text.
iv. identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the text.

(ii) Peotry:
     M.A.Olowu et al,(2007)Ewi Yoruba Lakotun (SSS 1-3) Ibadan:Evans Brothers(Nigeria      Publishers)Ltd.

Candidates should be able to:

i. deduce the import of written works of art and games;
ii.identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the poem.

Lasunkanmi Tela,(2007):Egun Ori ikunle Ibadan:Rasmed

Candidates should be able to:

i.  Identify the central theme of works;
ii. Interpret same in accordance with acceptable principles;
iii.Identify types of drama;
iv. Identify the figurative and idiomatic expressions in the drama;
 v. Extract the narrative techniques in the drama.



1.Ero ati Igbagbo (Olodumare, akudaya, emere abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i.Distinguish traditional practices and acceptable ways of life from modern and   common sense beliefs.


2.Eto iselu ati aabo ilu: (Egbe ati ogba, oye jije, ogun jija abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i.Assess the functions and roles of individuals, chieftains, and groups in ensuring   peace, stability and continuity of society.


3.Eto isinku, oku sise ati ogun pinpin.

Candidates should be able to:

i.  Distinguish between traditional practices;
ii. Relate them to funerals and inheritance;
iii.Suggest ways to preserve the traditional practices.


4.Oge sise: (Ila kiko, ara finfin, tiroo lile abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i. Interpret graphic representation of cultural practices;
ii.Examine the processes of beautification.


5.Ayeye (Igbeyawo, isomoloruko, iwuye abbl).

Candidates should be able to:

i.Demonstrate good knowledge of social activities and celebrations; Relate events to   appropriate situations.


6.Eto Iwosan: (Itoju alaisan, itoju ati igbebi aboyun abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i. Determine the appropriate health care practices applicable to ailments of members    of society;
ii.Suggest the best ways of using the appropriate health care practices.


7. Aroko (ikilo, itufo ebe abbl).

Candidates should be able to:

i. identify the symbolic relevance of  objects of communications;


8. Awon ounje Yoruba (Abari, iyan, ewa abbl).

Candiddates should be able to:

i. relate certain foods to symbolic  meanings.


9.  Ise abinibi: (Agbe, isona, ilu lilu abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i. demonstrate adequate knowledge  of the various traditional professions;
ii.compare various traditional professions.


10. Iranra-eni-lowo: (Aaro, ebese, owo yiya abbl)

Candidates should be able to:

i.   examine various ways of benefitting from communal relationships.


10.   Iwa omoluabi:
a)  iwa eto omoluabi (Suuru, imoore, ibowo abbl).
b)  iwa aito (Afojudi, aibikita, ole abbl).

Candidates should be able to:

i. identify acceptable patterns of  behaviour and attitude that conform with    societal norms and values;
ii.suggest ways of inculcating them  in society.



Abiodun Jibola (1995) Aroko ati Aayan ogbufo, Lagos: MAJAB publishers
Adewole L. O. Et al (2000) Exam Focus – Yoruba language for WASSCE/SSCE.Ibadan:UP Plc
Awobuluyi, O. (1978) Essentials of Yoruba Grammar, Ibadan: UP Plc
Awobuluyi, O. (1990) Yoruba Metalanguage (Ede-Iperi Yoruba) vol II, Ibadan: UP Plc.
Babalola A. (ed) (1991) Iwe Imodotun Yoruba SSI-SSIII, Longman
Bamgbose o. (ed) (1984) Yoruba Metalanguage (Ede-Iperi Yoruba) vol I, Ibadan: UP Plc
Bamgbose A. (1990) Fonologi ati Girama Yoruba, Ibadan
Mustapha O. (ed) (1988) Eko-Ede Yoruba ode-oni SSI-SSIII, Macmillian
Mustapha O. (ed) (1991) Eko-Ede Yoruba Titun SSI-SSIII, Yoruba, Ibadan UP Plc
Odetokun, Ademola (et. al) (2005) Iwe Igbaradi fun Idanwo Yoruba, Ibadan: Macmillian
Owolabi, K. (1989) Ijinle Itupale Ede Yoruba (1) Fonetiki at Fonology, Ibadan: Onibonoje Press
Owolabi O. (et. al) (1990) Countdown WASSCE/SSCE, NECO, JME (Iwe igbaradi fun Idanwo Asekagba Yoruba) Ibadan: Evans
Oyadeyi O. (1998) Ijinle Fonologi ati Girama ede Yoruba, Ibadan: Heinemann

All the prescribed texts are reflected as applicable on the syllabus under Topics/Contents/Notes column.
Adeoye, C.L (1979) Asa ati Ise Yoruba, Ibadan:OUP
Adeoye, C.L (1985) Igbagbo ati Esin Yoruba, Ibadan: Onibonoje
Ladele T. A. et al (1986) Akojopo Iwadii Ijinle Asa Yoruba, Ibadan: Macmillian